Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 9, 2015 Happy 3rd Birthday Elisha

Well, it's very strange being here in the ICU on August 9. Hav and our whole family feel extra emotional since just 3 long/short years today we were saying hey and goodbye to Elisha AND discovering all the craziness with Havah's situation. So here we are 3 years later. Havah is healing more and more each day- body, soul, and mind. Still longing for a healthy boy from her soul to be running around here on earth. The Lord sure did double her losses with 2- three year olds full of health and life but nothing will replace that sweet brown haired baby we kissed and held and cried over. I know there are a lot of run on sentences here but I can't help it. Not sure what else to say but Happy Birthday Elisha! Know you are loved and missed as you run and jump at your bday party with Jesus! We are glad you sent some extra angels to help out Poppi this week! 

Psalm 18:31-33 For who is God besides the Lord? And who is the Rock except our God? It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights. 


Thursday, August 6, 2015

August 6, 2015 Wonderful News

Great news!!! They terminated family reunification on Mr. Smiles today. Parental rights termination in December. We are beyond thrilled. The deal is not sealed but it's going in the right direction! Thank you for your prayers!!!!

This picture is as they found out the news. He heard the chatter and he looks like he understood!!! 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August 5, 2015 Huge Court Hearing for Mr. Smiles

August 5, 2015
Please pray! Tomorrow is a big court hearing for Mr. Smiles! It's basically the start of adoption or he will be returned to his birth mom. Please pray that The Lord will place the right judge and all people in in control of the case. Please pray that they will send him on the adoption track. It would be a very difficult situation if he is returned to his birth mother. He hasn't lived with her since he was 4 months old. She's doing a good job taking care of his younger brother who has a medical condition but 2 would put a big strain on that. Please pray that he is with his permanent family now! He's having such a great time on vacation with his family and friends as we speak. We pray the first of many! Thanks again for your love. ❤️